Program Mentor Pejuang Muda DKI Jakarta : Kolaborasi Nyata Untuk Negeri


  • Adrinoviarini Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Indonesia
  • Dewi Rachmawati Institut Komunikasi & Bisnis LSPR



Keywords: mentors; pejuang muda; DKI Jakarta; academics; community welfare


In September 2021 Ministry of Social Affairs in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture, Research and Technology, and Ministry of Religion launched the Pejuang Muda program. This program involves students as pejuang muda, lecturers and practitioners from the Ministry of Social Affairs as Mentors. The Pejuang Muda' activities are implementation of the independent campus, where this activity is a social laboratory for students to apply theory and knowledge they get on campus. In these activities, students monitored the distribution of social assistance in the form of data verification and validation. Students also expected to be able to see and analyze social problems in the community and expected to provide solutions. DKI Jakarta is one of the provinces that implemented this program. A total of 64 students from 43 universities in Indonesia were deployed for this program in DKI Jakarta Province. The activities in DKI Jakarta were mentored by 4 mentors consisting of 2 academic mentors and 2 practitioner mentors from the Ministry of Social Affairs. Many social problems in the community were captured by the 6 teams. It is hoped that the portrait of the social situation can be a good input in overcoming social problems in Indonesia, especially in DKI Jakarta.


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How to Cite

Adrinoviarini, & Rachmawati, D. (2022). Program Mentor Pejuang Muda DKI Jakarta : Kolaborasi Nyata Untuk Negeri. Journal of Servite, 4(1), 41–58.