Prevent Domestic Violence: Reconstruction Wife Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expressions
Domestic violence, freedom to opinion and expressions, radical feminist theory, standpoint feminism, interpersonal communication theoryAbstract
The wife is one of the potential victims of domestic violence. In patriarchal culture and social construction norms, the wife must obey all of their husband's requests. Hence, they became vulnerable and got physical, sexual, economic, and many forms of domestic violence. Based on radical feminist theory, human rights concepts, and interpersonal communication theory, this article builds the idea to prevent domestic violence for wives by reconstructing their rights to freedom of opinion and expression. This research-based is on a literature review from scientific articles, books, and reports. After it, analyze with standpoint feminism. The result is that two points. First, in cultural and logical patriarchal, wives need interpersonal communication training to get equality when talking with their husbands. Second, reconstruction about wives' awareness about freedom to opinion and expressions is necessary, so they do not fear to say no to their husbands and love themselves first. Finally, to prevent domestic violence against wives needs implementation of freedom to opinion and expressions in everyday life.
Keywords: domestic violence; freedom to opinion and expressions; radical feminist theory, interpersonal communication theory; standpoint feminism
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Bhardwaj, N., & Miller, J. (2021). Comparative Cross-National Analyses of Domestic Violence: Insights from South Asia. Feminist Criminology, 16(3), 351–365.
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De Coster, S., & Heimer, K. (2021). Unifying Theory and Research on Intimate Partner Violence: A Feminist Perspective. Feminist Criminology, 16(3), 286–303.
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Jaffe, A. E., Steel, A. L., DiLillo, D., Messman-Moore, T. L., & Gratz, K. L. (2021). Characterizing Sexual Violence in Intimate Relationships: An Examination of Blame Attributions and Rape Acknowledgment. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36(1–2), 469–490.
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Krienert, J. L., & Walsh, J. A. (2018). An examination of intimate partner sexual violence: Comparing marital and nonmarital incidents employing NIBRS Data, 2008-2012. Partner Abuse, 9(1).
Malik, Q. U. A., & Hameed-Ur-Rahman, B. (2021). Gender stereotyping in TV Drama in Pakistan: A longitudinal study. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 29(1), 489–508.
Mustofa, M. (2017). Hak Asasi Manusia: Diskresi Kepolisian Dan Restorative Justice Di Indonesia Dalam Rangka Penegakan Hukum Dan Ketertiban Sosial. Jurnal Hukum & Pembangunan, 35(2), 202.
Ogunwale, A. O., Dipeolu, I. O., & Olaitan, O. L. (2020). Knowledge and Perceptions of Marital Rape among Women in Oyo State , Nigeria. September.
Rahmawati, A. S. (2010). Bias Gender dalam Iklan Attack Easy di Televisi. Journal Ilmu Komunikasi, 8(2), 221–232.
Ramallah, Z., Hidayat, D. R., Venus, A., & Rahmat, A. (2020). Communication behaviour: A struggle against illiteracy in eastern Indonesia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 7(5), 362–374.
Ronnet, D. B., & Russel, K. S. (2020). The Practice of Research in Criminology and Criminal Justice (7th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Segrave, M., & Milivojevic, S. (2019). Using In-Depth Inteviewing and Documentary Analysis in Criminological Research. In Doing Criminological Research by Pamela Davies, Peter Francis. Sage Publications.
Siburian, R. J. (2020). Marital Rape Sebagai Tindak Pidana dalam RUU-Penghapusan Kekerasan Seksual. Jurnal Yuridis, 7(1).
Sundarajan, N., & Spano, S. (2004). CMM and the co-construction of domestic violence. Human Systems, 15, 45–58.
Tartaro, C. (2021). Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology. Routledge.
Tibbetts, S. G. (2019). Criminological Theory. SAGE Publications, Inc.
Tong, R. (2018). Feminist thought: A more comprehensive introduction. In Feminist Thought, Student Economy Edition: A More Comprehensive Introduction.
Willie, T. C., & Kershaw, T. S. (2019). An ecological analysis of gender inequality and intimate partner violence in the United States. Preventive Medicine, 118(November 2017), 257–263.
Wingcup, E. (2017). Criminological Research Understanding Qualitative Methods (2nd ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc.
Wormer, K. S. van, & Bartollas, C. (2000). Women and The Criminal Justice System (1st ed.). Pearson Education.
Yllö, Kersti and Torres, M. G. (2013). Interpersonal Violence Series: Marital Rape (Vol. 53, Issue 9).
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