Young Generation Perceptions of Marriage: Analyzing the #MarryIsScary Hashtag on TikTok


  • Osha Nabilah Faculty of Da’wah and Communication Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Novi Andayani Praptiningsih Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. HAMKA (UHAMKA) Jakarta
  • Tantan Hermansah Faculty of Da’wah and Communication Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Muhammad Fanshoby Faculty of Da’wah and Communication Sciences, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  • Heni Hayat LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, Jakarta, Indonesia.



hashtag, tiktok, marryisscary, perception, content


This study explores how the TikTok hashtag #MarryIsScary influences young people’s negative perceptions of marriage. As social media shapes public discourse, this research examines the role of TikTok in amplifying marriage-related anxieties. Using a qualitative digital ethnographic approach, this study analyzed 100 videos and 1,000 comments associated with #MarryIsScary to assess dominant narratives and user engagement. Findings indicate that 68% of videos portray marriage negatively, citing fears of commitment, financial burden, and emotional instability. Additionally, 60% of comments reinforce these concerns, reflecting a growing skepticism toward marriage, especially among women aged 18-30 years. TikTok’s algorithm further amplifies these views, fostering an echo chamber effect. The platform serves as both a public discourse space and a reinforcement mechanism for shifting social values. Young users actively engage in discussions that challenge traditional marital expectations, revealing evolving attitudes toward relationships and long-term commitments. To counterbalance negative marriage narratives, a creative educational approach is needed. Engaging, positive content can provide a more realistic perspective on marriage, supporting informed decision-making among young users.


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How to Cite

Nabilah, O., Praptiningsih, N. A., Hermansah, T., Fanshoby, M., & Hayat, H. (2025). Young Generation Perceptions of Marriage: Analyzing the #MarryIsScary Hashtag on TikTok. Communicare : Journal of Communication Studies, 11(2), 168–176.