Focus and Scope
KARUNA: Journal of Health Communication and Gender Literacy aims to encourage research in Health of Communication, also on Gender Literacy with particular reference to culture, diversity, living norms and customs, history, philosophy, doctrines, and ideology. Karuna is an international peer-reviewed journal organized and published by LSPR Institute of Communication and Business. This journal is firstly published in 2025. It has been published electronically with ISSN:
Topics addressed within the journal include but are not limited to:
- Health of Communication messages, channel, actors, audience, also policy.
- Health communication discusses communication strategies to distribute health information within a community or society. Health communication aims to persuade individuals or society to make decisions about health activities
- Gender Literacy is an idea or opinion exchange, information, and instruction among people (personal or non-personal) through various symbols to achieve community goals.
The journal consists of online and print versions, published bi-annually at the end of March and September of the current year. As a scientific periodical, the journal is subject to standard provisions of peer reviews conducted by Communication Scholars from various universities. All submitted manuscripts will go through the double-blind peer review and editorial review before being granted acceptance for publication.
The area of research of Karuna Journal are, but not limited to:
- Health of Communication
- Health Globalization and Social Impact
- Health of youth, gender and Media Globalization
- Health in Information Communication Technology (ICT) and Power
- Media and Gender
- Gender Democracy and Integration
- Media Gender Literacy and Gender Education
- Gender Media, Popular Culture, and Society
- Gender and Sexuality in the Media