
Current Issue

Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Communication & Public Relations
					View Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Communication & Public Relations

Social Media and Communication in Crisis, Culture, Politics, Marketing and Government: Case Studies in Indonesia, Singapore, Turkey and Nigeria

In JCPR Vol. 3 No. 2, July 2024, we explore the multifaceted role of communication across social, political, and economic dimensions with case studies from Turkey, Korea, Nigeria, Indonesia, and Singapore. This edition includes articles on social media's role in crisis management, the significance of friendship in the Korean music industry, political disinformation in Nigeria, Instagram's impact on shopping behaviors in Jakarta, and comparative environmental communication strategies in Jakarta and Singapore. These insights encourage further discussion and understanding of communication's vital role. Enjoy your reading (Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, MM).

Journal of Communication and Public Relations (JCPR) is an international journal published by the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, Indonesia. JCPR invites submissions from experts, practitioners, and academicians in public relations and communication studies, addressing  contemporary issues in these fields. JCPR is published biannually, in January and July, with no author fee charge.

Published: 2024-07-02

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The Journal of Communication and Public Relations (JCPR) is an international, peer-reviewed journal for conceptual and research on communication studies and public relations. Each edition of JCPR is published with the E-ISSN: 2809-9087, E-ISSN: 2809-6940, and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each edition.

Focus and Scope

JCPR focused on the Communication Studies area. The scope of the Journal (but not limited to other issues in the area of Communication Sciences) is on the following matters:

  • Organizational Communication. The process of sending and receiving messages among interrelated individuals to achieve common goals in a particular environment or organization. 
  • Development Communication. Communication that facilitates social development through information dissemination and education, social marketing, media advocacy, social change and community participation.
  • Reputation management. Communication that influences, controls or shapes people perception of a brand, corporate or individual
  • Government Public Relations. The strategic communication that helps to communicate and interact with governmental publics.
  • Media Relations. Communication that attaches between organization or public relations professionals and media (editors, reporters and journalists) to have a mutually beneficial relationship.
  • Corporate Communication. Communication that involves a set of activities with external and internal stakeholders to create favorable conditions.
  • Marketing Communication. The use of different marketing and communication channels to deliver the messages to its desired market.
  • Public Affairs Communication. Communication that engages with the principles, systems, law, or regulatory to the public good in between corporate or government institutions with their stakeholders.

Publishing Schedule

JCPR is published twice a year, in January and July.

Publication Ethics & Peer Review Process

JCPR is subject to COPE's Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors. For details, please access the Publication Ethics section.

Every article that is submitted to the JCPR will go through a series of review processes. The process used is double-blind peer-reviewed. This process ensures that the author and reviewer do not know each other's identities. This is done to maintain objectivity in the ongoing review process.

  • The review process is carried out after the article goes through the initial editing process.
  • In the review process, reviewers are encouraged to pay attention to originality, objectivity, methodology, scientific impact, conclusions, and references in the article.
  • This underlies the editor to carry out the next process, accepting the article, revision, or rejection of the article.

Article manuscripts will be rejected if:

  • It is not matched with the journal scope.
  • It does not follow author guidelines and is not willing to make adjustments.
  • More than 20% of plagiarism and AI is indicated.
  • It contains topics or discussions that promote cigarettes or cigarette companies.

Open Access Policy

Journal of Communication and Public Relations supports the broadest possible open access to knowledge by opening research results published in this journal to be accessible to all and be used as much as possible. Open access policy Journal of Communication and Public Relations is supported by using the Creative Commons Attribution ShareAlike 4.0 International LicenseFor more details regarding the provisions and others, please access the menu on the sidebar.