Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
Assc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, M.M - LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, Indonesia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Managing Editor
Noprita Herari, M.Ikom - LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, Indonesia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Editorial Board
Prof. Panizza Ruth Allmark, Ph.D - Edith Cowan University, Australia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Dr. Adam James Fenton - Coventry University, United Kingdom (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Prof. Dr. Nur Kholisoh, M.Si - Universitas Mercubuana, Indonesia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Prof. Dr. Puji Lestari, S.IP, M.Si - Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta, Indonesia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Xenia Angelica Wijayanto, S.H, M,Si - LSPR Institute of Communication & Business, Indonesia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Pong Kok Shiong, PhD - United International College, China (Scopus ID, Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Chin Ying Shin, PhD - Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Alicha Treerotchananon - Chiang Mai University, Thailand (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)
Assc. Prof. Joan Tirwyn Hassan, Ph.D - Kaduna State University, Nigeria (Scopus ID | Google Scholar | ResearchGate)