A “Notification” on The Use of Social Media as A Means of Community Resilience in Crisis Management


  • Ümmü Özlem Çerçi Selçuk University




Community Resilience, Social Media, Crisis Communication, Crisis Mangement, public relations


This comparative study explores the role of social media in building community resilience during the Covid-19 pandemic, focusing on citizens' communication habits. Community resilience, defined as the ability to withstand, adapt, and recover from adverse situations, is crucial, especially in the face of crises like pandemics. Effective strategic communication with the target audience is vital for creating and maintaining community resilience. Strategic communication plays a key role in helping communities prepare, respond, and recover by providing clear information, encouraging cooperation, and fostering adaptable behaviors. In the digital age, where a significant portion of the population lives online, social media platforms serve as essential tools for collecting information, disseminating crisis-related news, mobilizing the audience, and contributing to crisis management efforts. This study, conducted between May 5-10, 2020, with 800 participants from Turkey and 800 from the USA, reveals that individuals in both countries spend a considerable amount of time online, utilizing at least 3-4 social media applications. Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter are identified as popular platforms. Most importantly, both Turkey and the United States demonstrate resilient societies, and there is a significant correlation between community resilience and the use of social media for obtaining information during the Covid-19 crisis. This emphasizes the critical role of crisis communication as a key success factor in building community resilience.

Author Biography

Ümmü Özlem Çerçi, Selçuk University

Ü. Özlem Çerçi, Ph.D is an assistant professor at Selçuk University, Silifke-Taşucu Vocational School of Higher Education, Merisn in Türkiye. She received her Bachelor’s degree in English Linguistics from Hacettepe University, Ankara (2010), Master’s degree (2012) and PhD degree (2019) in Public Relations and Publicity from Selçuk University, Konya, Türkiye. Çerçi continue her research on crisis management, corporate image management and corporate social responsibility


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How to Cite

Çerçi, Ümmü Özlem. (2024). A “Notification” on The Use of Social Media as A Means of Community Resilience in Crisis Management. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 3(2), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.37535/105003220241