Branding Vocational School with The Internet of Things (IoT) Production Competency of Students in Indonesia


  • Mario Nugroho Willyarto Bina Nusantara University
  • Rizka Yona Paramitha SMK Wira Buana 2



branding, vocational school, IoT production, Internet of Things, competency


There are many creative opportunities for Internet of Things (IoT) systems to positively impact schools, industries, and others. The purpose of this study is to describe how negative issues in vocational schools (SMK) can be overturned with the ability of SMK students in the field of IoT. Researchers used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The results show that vocational schools in Indonesia prepared students to face the world of work supporting IoT learning such as curriculum synchronization, laboratories, and production units. Optimism that IoT will be the flagship of vocational school because the SMK has competent human resources in IoT technology and has been certified. A vocational school is producing the IoT smart lock RFID system products. The conclusion is although the IoT system is still straightforward, which is made in the form of a smart lock system, it can represent technology products made by vocational students. This can be a school branding for prospective students or their parents. 

Author Biographies

Mario Nugroho Willyarto, Bina Nusantara University

Mario Nugroho Willyarto S.Kom, M.Pd has been working in education since 2001, from basic education to higher education.  He is now a lecturer for Indonesian Language, Business Process, Leadership and Cross-Cultural Management in Binus University.  He is now focusing on research and publications in education, social education, and communication, from younger age to adult.  Recently, Mario is doing research on social education and communication in controlling the number of stray cats that becoming pest in society. Collaborating with some communities to do Trap-Neuter-Return for stray cats in some areas such as Bekasi, Bogor, Malang, Pati, and Depok.  Using technology and information system is essential in supporting the work.

Rizka Yona Paramitha, SMK Wira Buana 2

Rizka Yona Paramitha, S.PSi wanted to become a psychologist, even though in the past it never crossed her to become a psychologist, because in her opinion this profession is not very popular and developed in Indonesia, but after she made observations, it turned out that she felt her soul was more suited to being in the world of psychology, and finally she chose to take this major seriously. She also feel that psychology is really needed to regulate a person's emotions and mental stability so that people can live peacefully, and psychology can also create a new atmosphere. Right now she is the Principal of SMK Wira Buana 2, West Java, Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Willyarto, M. N., & Paramitha, R. Y. (2023). Branding Vocational School with The Internet of Things (IoT) Production Competency of Students in Indonesia. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2(2), 21–35.