Re-conceptualizing Public Relations Practices in Nigeria: A Framework to Address Systemic Challenges


  • Nsini Anselem Eyo Selem Consults



public relations, PR challenges, PR practitioners, role theory, tripartite PR framework


This conceptual paper examines the roles and challenges of public relations practice in Nigeria by proposing a framework to address systemic issues hindering its professionalization. Despite cultural diversity shaping PR globally, the practice in Nigeria faces significant obstacles, including limited strategic involvement, deployment of unqualified practitioners, political interference, inadequate education and training, weak ethical standards, and lack of a robust regulatory framework. The absence of autonomy by the Nigerian Institute of Public Relations (NIPR) further exacerbates these issues, allowing individuals without formal training or specialization to practice, thereby undermining the profession's credibility. Using a narrative literature review, the study synthesizes existing research to identify gaps and develop a conceptual framework aimed at addressing these challenges. Drawing from role theory in public relations and Grunig’s Excellence theory, the paper proposes a tripartite framework for PR professionalization in Nigeria. This framework emphasizes education to impart theoretical knowledge and practical skills, accreditation to ensure eligibility for membership and registration, and certification to uphold ethical standards and professional conduct as well as autonomy of the NIPR as the primary regulatory body of the procession in the country. By implementing this tripartite model, PR practitioners in Nigeria can be empowered to perform strategic managerial and operational communication roles effectively. This will enable practitioners and by extension NIPR to uphold the integrity of the profession, and foster standardization and professionalization in alignment with global best practices. Hence, this study provides actionable insights for re-conceptualizing PR in Nigeria, advancing its role as a credible and strategic profession.

Author Biography

Nsini Anselem Eyo, Selem Consults

Nsini Anselem Eyo Ph.D, is the Founder and Managing Director of Selem Consults, a public relations firm based in Uyo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Public Relations from HELP University College, Malaysia (2011), a Master's degree in Corporate Communication from Universiti Putra Malaysia (2016), and a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from Universiti Putra Malaysia (2021). Dr. Eyo is actively engaged in research on public relations, organizational communication, and intercultural communication across various settings, while also seeking collaborative opportunities in these fields.


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How to Cite

Eyo, N. A. (2025). Re-conceptualizing Public Relations Practices in Nigeria: A Framework to Address Systemic Challenges. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 4(1), 76–101.