Indonesia’s Roles in Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis: Through the Lens of Public Diplomacy


  • Revy Marlina LSPR Institute of Communication & Business
  • Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan LSPR Institute of Communication & Business
  • Muhammad Rafly LSPR Institute of Communication & Business



Public Diplomacy, ASEAN, Indonesia, Rohingya's Crisis, Shuttle Diplomacy


Myanmar's Rohingya crisis remains unresolved, with the Rohingya minority suffering human rights violations from the majority Buddhist Rakhine population, supported by the central government. As a result, many Rohingya have fled to neighboring countries like Thailand, India, Indonesia, Nepal, and others in the region (UN Refugees, 2022). Indonesia, a founding ASEAN member, believes ASEAN should address the Rohingya crisis, but ASEAN faces obstacles due to the non-intervention principle and differing ideologies and interests among member states. Concerned with the crisis since its emergence in 1948, Indonesia has intensified its peace-brokering efforts as the current ASEAN host, utilizing shuttle diplomacy and engaging key players in Myanmar. Resolving the conflict is significant for Indonesia, as it seeks to enhance its regional reputation and revive its influential role from the Soeharto era. Public diplomacy will be used in this paper by seeing the efforts of the Indonesian government, especially during President Jokowi's second term. As Joseph S. Nye said “soft power is the ability to affect others to obtain the outcomes one wants through attraction rather than coercion or payment,” we can see the Indonesia effort through shuttle diplomacy, implementation of the Five-Point Consensus on Myanmar, and humanitarian aid to solve this conflict.

Author Biographies

Revy Marlina, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

Revy Marlina, S.Sos, M.A is a lecturer in International Relations Communication Studies in the Faculty of communication, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. She had bachelor degree in International Relations major from UIN Jakarta and master degree in international law from Université Grenoble and Diplomacy and Strategic Negotiation from Université Paris Saclay, France. Before joining LSPR as lecturer, she worked as research assistant at BRIN (National Research and Innovation Agency), Indonesia and Canada Embassy in Indonesia.

Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

Yoseph Wahyu Kurniawan, M.Ikom is a lecturer at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. He had bachelor's and master's degrees from the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. Currently, he works at the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business as Deputy Head of the Communication Study Program. Previously, he served as the Assistant to the Vice Rector 3 at the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. 

Muhammad Rafly, LSPR Institute of Communication & Business

Muhammad Rafly, S.Ikom is an Assistant Lecturer in Public Speaking & Personal Branding for the Public Relations & Digital Communication in the Faculty of Communication at LSPR Communication & Business Institute. He had bachelor degree of Mass Communication and in a final year of his master degree of Corporate Communication at LSPR Institute.


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How to Cite

Marlina, R., Kurniawan, Y. W., & Rafly, M. (2024). Indonesia’s Roles in Myanmar’s Rohingya Crisis: Through the Lens of Public Diplomacy. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 3(1), 80–102.