Analysis of YouTube Content about Konjac as an Education of Indonesian Farmers in the Disruption Era


  • Ulani Yunus LSPR Institute of Communication and Business
  • Mariko Rizkiansyah Bina Nusantara University
  • Arleen Ariestyani Bina Nusantara University
  • Rudi Sukandar LSPR Institute of Communication and Business



social media, branding, konjac, YouTube, disruption era


The konjac plant is thought to be a nutritious meal that is good for both beauty and health. Konjac exports from Indonesia to other countries grew as a result in 2020. Nevertheless, a sharp fall was observed at the end of 2021, despite the fact that many Indonesian farmers had shifted to Konjac plants. The researcher will continue the research series with Konjac plant objects in 2022 because there are so many questions and rumors surrounding this plant. The purpose of this study is to interpret the meaning of YouTube accounts that talk about konjac plants. By generating codes from all the words collected from the 30 YouTube accounts examined, the study employed a qualitative content analysis methodology. Three code frameworks were identified as being relevant to the Konjac problem: Konjac, the Government, and Export. The Government of Indonesia appealed the findings of these three regulations regarding the attitudes of farmers who support and oppose the growing of konjac. The Indonesian government is viewed as being unprepared to deal with both the farmers themselves and the global market, and thus disregards the quality of Konjac crops for export. Conclusion: In order to improve the quality of products that will be exported and brand Konjac plants for the global market, coordination and engagement between farmers and the Indonesian government are required, as well as the involvement of academics.

Author Biographies

Ulani Yunus, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dra. Ulani Yunus, MM is a lecturer and researcher at the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. Ulani holds a Doctorate in Communication Science with a dissertation that delves into the realm of television commercials. Ulani has authored several books, including "Branding & Advertising," "Digital Branding," "Branding Higher Education in the Digital Age," and "Branding Yourself through Interpersonal Communication." Ulani's academic impact is reflected in her h-Index of 5 on Scopus and h-Index of 9 on SINTA KEMENRISTEKDIKTI Indonesia. Notably, she has authored 43 manuscripts, all of which are accessible on the Scopus website.

Mariko Rizkiansyah, Bina Nusantara University

Mariko Rizkiansyah, S.Sos, M.Ikom is a seasoned broadcasting specialist with nine years of teaching experience. Currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Padjadjaran, he specializes in communication, focusing on social media, mass media, and interactivity. Before academia, he worked as a reporter and producer at MNC TV, gaining hands-on industry experience. As a lecturer, he emphasizes technical broadcasting, mass media theory, and convergence media, aiming to equip students with the skills needed for the digital age. His passion lies in fostering innovation and creativity in media production and communication.

Arleen Ariestyani, Bina Nusantara University

Arleen Ariestyani S.Ikom, M.Ikom is a passionate broadcasting expert with extensive experience in media production and journalism. With five years of teaching experience, she holds a master’s degree in Communication from the University of Mercu Buana, Jakarta, focusing on mass communication, broadcasting, and journalism. Before academia, she served as an executive producer at BINUS TV, overseeing program production and broadcast operations. As a lecturer, she emphasizes program production, broadcasting management, and journalism writing. Her dedication has earned her the BINUS Best Teaching Award in 2022 and the BINUS Best Employee Award in 2021. She is committed to inspiring and equipping the next generation of media professionals.

Rudi Sukandar, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business

Rudi Sukandar, PhD graduated form Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) at University of Ohio, majoring Communication Studies. He is a lecturer on undergraduate and postgraduate programme, Researcher and PGP Thesis Director at LSPR-Jakarta. He teaches several subjects, for instance Advanced Communication Theories, Strategic Issues Management, Argumentation and Advocacy, Regional Studies, International Business, Diplomacy and Conflict Resolution, Social Development of International Communication at The London School of Public Relations, Jakarta.


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How to Cite

Yunus, U., Rizkiansyah, M., Ariestyani, A., & Sukandar, R. (2023). Analysis of YouTube Content about Konjac as an Education of Indonesian Farmers in the Disruption Era. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2(2), 36–57.