Innovative Brand Awareness Strategies: Push, Pull & Pass Marketing in Indonesian Fashion


  • Chaterina Pricilla LSPR Institute of Communication and Business
  • Vanny Adriani LSPR Institute of Communication and Business
  • Anggayuh Gesang Utomo LSPR Institute of Communication and Business



public relations, push pull pass marketing, brand awareness, marketing public relations, innovative strategy


Several Fashion manufacturer in Indonesia are delivering distinctive themes as the country's fashion industry expands quickly. With advances in quality and design, local products are now able to compete with those of foreign brands. Public Relations has grown in importance as a marketing strategy in the apparel business in recent years. The purpose of this study is to explain how Loony's public relations marketing has increased brand awareness. This research collects primary and secondary data using a descriptive qualitative research methodology. Interviews with customers and internal business sources are used to gather primary data. Books, journals, webpages, and internal company data are sources of secondary data. This approach ensures a comprehensive analysis of Loony's strategies. The results show that Loony uses the Push, Pull, and Pass methods to boost brand recognition. The Push strategy involves actively promoting the brand, the Pull strategy focuses on attracting consumers, and the Pass strategy relies on making the brand unique by giving nicknames to its customers. By integrating these techniques, Loony has effectively raised its profile in a competitive industry. Public relations have allowed the brand to interact more meaningfully with consumers, fostering loyalty and engagement. By emphasizing distinctive regional themes and values, this tactic has also helped Loony differentiate from foreign rivals. In Indonesia's rapidly changing fashion industry, this strategy highlights the significance of strategic marketing. Effective use of marketing and PR techniques will be essential for firms to build and preserve a strong market presence as the industry expands.

Author Biographies

Chaterina Pricilla, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business

Chaterina Pricilla S.Ikom is an Undergraduate program alumnus of the LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. She is experienced in Public Relations and also published article journal related to Communication within Public Relations Scope in Indonesia. She can be contacted at [email protected]

Vanny Adriani, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business

Vanny Adriani M.Si is an active lecturer in LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. She is involved in creative learning, linguistics, public relations, and marketing communication. She has authored numerous publications on human interaction, public opinion, sales promotion, and interpersonal communication. she can be contacted at [email protected]

Anggayuh Gesang Utomo, LSPR Institute of Communication and Business

Anggayuh Gesang Utomo, S.Pd,  is a postgraduate program alumni  of LSPR Institute of Communication & Business. He experienced in Korean Language and Marketing. He Published various article Journal Focusing on Communication within Religious, Communication Plan and Marketing Campaigns. He can be contacted at [email protected]


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How to Cite

Pricilla, C., Adriani, V., & Utomo, A. G. (2023). Innovative Brand Awareness Strategies: Push, Pull & Pass Marketing in Indonesian Fashion. Journal of Communication and Public Relations, 2(2), 58–79.